Sunday, March 2, 2014

T-Minus One Week And Counting

Well, there's less than one week until our journey begins, and Mother Nature has reminded us once again that it's still Winter in Morgantown, no matter how close Spring Break may be! After an awful lot of snow in a very short time today, classes at WVU are cancelled for tomorrow, giving me a lot of extra time to work on assignments (cough, read about Costa Rica all day, cough).

We'll be leaving Morgantown just as the sun comes up on Saturday to head to Pittsburgh for a 316 mile connecting flight to NYC followed by a 2,207 mile flight straight to San Jose! Approximately 6 hours in the air combined. Pray for friendly travelers, patience (for the other ones), good snacks, and lots of leg room. (Maybe say two prayers for leg room?) Craig, Tori, Morgan, Shelly, and I (Will) would really appreciate it.

Costa Rica is already an hour behind us in Eastern Standard Time; they're at GMT +6. Since daylight savings starts here on Sunday and they don't follow it, we will be two hours behind the US east coast all week. As far as weather goes, the temperature should be awesome - highs around 80, lows around 60. I'll try to coax some Sun to come back with us, but I make no promises.

While there, we'll be splitting our time between working on various projects (painting, construction, etc.) at the college as well as attending some lectures on Central American theology, etc. The luxury of having time to learn is a blessing. We're always writing papers, working on projects, and turning in assignments and it's easy to overlook how fortunate we are to be here. One afternoon, we'll also be headed to see the shore and part of the rainforest. Toucans? Yes. Poison frogs? YES. Bullet ants. ALSO YES! I'm probably too excited.

More info to come on the mission work we'll be doing, but we appreciate the chance to share this journey with you and would love for you to keep us in your thoughts and prayers throughout the week. Please comment and interact with us on here! That's why we're blogging.

Clear skies,
Will Armentrout

^^ That's where we're going! San José is closer to the Pacific coast than the Atlantic. ^^

1 comment:

  1. Pretty excited, even if I can't go with you guys! Post pics and by all means, videos.
